Saturday, March 21, 2009

President Obama takes his shot at Late Night

On Thursday, President Barack Obama made history yet again by being the first sitting president to appear on a Late Night talk show. The fact that he went on a late night talk show was such a good idea, and something that past presidents should’ve done. When they’re in the setting of a laid back talk show, it almost seemed like he was more relatable. He sat very casually and the setting was very casual, much different from like a press conference, yet he addressed similar issues.

During the first 59 days of his presidency, Obama notices how the critics have been harsh, but he knew it was to be expected. He referenced how it’s taken America a long time to get in the bad economic situation that we’re in now, and it’s going to take a long time to get out, and people need to understand that. It was good to hear that the President was as “stunned” about the AIG bonuses as myself. Jay Leno mentioned how it was rather frightening that once the bonuses were given, Congress passed a tax on them, and that shows that if congress dislikes someone, they can just tax them. Obama responded by saying that since the money has already been dispersed there wasn’t much they could do, so the tax seemed like the only option.

The relatable factor of the interview at least for myself, made situations easier to understand. Like, when the President gives speeches at a press conference, sometimes it’s easy to be confused or get lost in the train of thought. But with question and answer, it makes it a lot more understandable.

My favorite part of the interview was when he talked about general things like how he’s adapting to life as being the president. Jay Leno made a comment about bowling, and Obama responded by saying he has been practicing and actually bowled a 129! Then he made a comment about how he could be in the Special Olympics or something along those lines, and it’s been a large controversy the last couple of days. Honestly, in the context it was in, it was an utter joke, and was not meant to offend anyone. I really think that people just try and dig deep to cause unnecessary drama, and it’s frustrating. The President has formally apologized to anyone he has offended as well. It was also funny when Obama talked about how cool he thinks it is to ride in Air Force I, yet his daughters Sasha and Malia aren’t too impressed by it, but they’re more impressed by the candy on the plane.

If you’d like to watch the interview in its entirety click here:

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