Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Even More Restrictions for Saudi Women

Saudi clerics have requested that the government ban woman from appearing on television, and to ban their images from being in the print media. They consider both television and the print media signs of growing “deviant thought”. Information Minister Abdul Aziz al-Khoja received a letter from 35 Islamic clerics who also condemn dancing and music on television. In the letter it stated, "Our faith in you is great to carry out media reform, for we have seen how perversity is rooted in the ministry of information and culture, on television, radio, in the press, literary clubs, and book fairs,".

The clerics have a fear that women are gaining freedom, which is an attempt to “westernize” Saudi women by “reducing their rights to a question of removing veils, wearing makeup and mixing with men.”

Is it just me, or is it shocking to think that a country with such degrading of women, is such good friends with the US? I’m aware that their politics are in a different section then their religion, but seriously, even their political leaders have outrageous thoughts on the freedoms of women. The leading family of Saudi Arabia were good friends with the Bush family, and we kept pretty good relations with them. Probably because of the economic reasons involved with oil and such, but still the way the country treats women, is absolutely appalling. As a western country, an one that values the principles of democracy so well, it’s a shame that we choose to have such close relations without speaking against them.

The letter sent by the clerics also stated in reference to women on the television, “There is no doubt that this is religiously impermissible.” The clerics main purpose for coming to these conclusions because they want to challenge the “growing push for liberalization of tough restrictions on women” and they also talk about the EXTREMELY conservative outfits they’re supposed to wear.

Though, there has been no actual political action, I really hope that something like what they’re requesting doesn’t occur. If they don’t want to become democratic, that’s fine, but making their already extremely restrictive laws even more restrictive is absolutely ridiculous.


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