Wednesday, March 25, 2009

88-year-old Man is being deported to Germany to face War Crime charges..

John Demjanjuk is in need of travel documents to go back to Germany, because he is being deported. The reasoning behind the 88-year-old’s deportation is because his is an accused World War II Nazi guard, who is charged with 29,000 counts of accessory to murder. Demjanjuk was once accused but cleared of being a notorious guard at the Treblinka concentration camp in Poland, according to the Associated Press.

John currently resides in suburban Cleveland, but in March, Germany charged his with crimes while working as a guard at Sobibor, another Nazi death camp in Poland. The warrant requests the deportation or extradition of Demjanjuk. Demjanjuk denies any involvement in the deaths.

Prosecutors in Munich stated, “"In this capacity, he participated in the accessory to murder of at least 29,000 people of the Jewish faith.” Demjanjuk’s family says he is in poor health and unable to travel, “"My dad spent a few hours in the emergency room the other day," John Demjanjuk Jr. said. "He is being treated for kidney stones at present."

I understand the cruelty that the Nazi’s committed against the Jews, and how absolutely horrific it was. But it’s really rather bizarre to me that people are still getting charged with crimes. I don’t disagree with them being taken to justice, I completely agree with it, but I was rather shocked to see that people are still pursuing people, over a half a century later. Obviously many people involved with the Nazi’s is of old age now, and many are probably dead.

It’s just weird to me, because I have met German people who are my age, and have multiple relatives who were involved with the Nazi’s, like great uncles, and grandparents and so forth, and yet they live their days like common people. I know there is a difference however, like my friend Steffen, his grandfather was in the Nazi youth, yet he was never I guess formally involved with a murder.

I guess my point is, people are still being prosecuted for what they were involved with in the horrible atrocities that occurred over 60 years ago, and I suppose that must bring lots of hope to families of the victims.

Do you think it's fair for the elderly people to still be prosecuted for war crimes from WWII?
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